Every Child Is Born A Scientist!

A blogger from NPR recently noted that, “Every child is born a scientist, testing hypotheses and pushing things to the limit to see what happens.” (Marcelo Gleiser-10/30/2013).  So why don’t most people know more scientists in real life? … After several years of teaching, as well as my own personal journey establishing a career in science, I have come to believe strongly that it’s because students can’t strive to be what they don’t see.   Furthermore, the images of scientists commonly seen in the popular media aren’t always flattering or “cool” (especially in comparison to all the celebrity and athlete faces constantly on our screens).  And most people STILL most commonly have an image of an older white male in a lab coat (think Albert Einstein) when they think of a scientist. It is time for that to change (we are NOT all old!).  So we begin pursuing the goal of changing the perception of scientists and helping students become aware of the possibilities down this path.  One classroom (and blog) at a time.  And the timing couldn’t be better since it has become clear that science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) drive American competitiveness in an increasingly global economy. Research shows that more than half of U.S. economic growth during the last 50 years has resulted from improved productivity brought about by STEM-led innovations! http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=128619&WT.mc_id=USNSF_51&WT.mc_ev=click


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Beyond The Codon: Sharing the keys to a successful career in scientific research.  We were all born to do it.